Sunday 7 August 2011

MP3 Player Shuffle Function

You know, when you’re listening to the radio, the buzz you get when they play a much-loved song that you haven’t heard for ages? Well, this is the 21st Century version of that. Seriously, I think that this could be technology’s finest moment.
Just think about it – I have an 8GB MP3 player, which holds about 2000 songs. With an average song length of 3 ½ minutes, it would take almost 5 solid days to listen to them back to back. And mine is quite a small player by modern standards… so it’s inevitable that there are going to be songs on there that you haven’t heard for ages, possibly even years.
But how can you even go looking for a song, when you don’t know which song you really want to hear? Simple – let the technology bring it to you. It’s uncanny, with the amount of choice available, how often the player will pick exactly the song that you want, or need, to hear at that moment.
And there’s nothing quite like a favourite song, heard unexpectedly, to bring back a flood of happy memories, from the time when it became important to you. You can’t get that if you actively search out a song – but you can if you switch on your MP3 player, activate the shuffle function, and then just wait for a happy accident to happen.

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